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  1. Secretary Kerry on Bulgaria’s National Day

    Office of the Spokesperson
    February 28, 2014
    On the Occasion of Bulgaria’s National Day
    On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I send best wishes to all Bulgarians as you celebrate National Day on March 3.
    This year, we commemorate the 10th anniversary of Bulgaria’s NATO membership. From Libya to Afghanistan, Bulgaria’s contributions to global security have made our countries stronger and our peoples safer. We are especially grateful to Bulgaria for hosting joint and multilateral training exercises, and we will continue to deepen our security partnership.
    The United States and Bulgaria work closely together to advance our common interests and values. We are increasing our trade and investment. We are strengthening our law enforcement cooperation, and we recently signed an agreement to protect Bulgaria’s rich cultural heritage from illegal trafficking.
    Our people-to-people ties are already shaping a better future for the next generation. That idea is what leads some 7,000 Bulgarian university students come to the United States every year under the Summer Work Travel program. It’s also what leads Americans to travel to Bulgaria to explore its natural beauty and learn about its unique history at the crossroads of Europe.
    The United States is proud to have a close friend and ally in Bulgaria. We look forward to strengthening our partnership in the years to come.

    Read more: http://translations.state.gov/st/english/texttrans/2014/02/20140228295151.html#ixzz2uwCuSFK9

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