
2 thoughts on “Trump Campaign News Conference on Legal Challenges

  1. Russell Ramsland, a cyber security expert who founded LI Security Operations, went on Lou Dobb’s show on November 17th. He revealed that he has been looking at election data for Michigan and found stunning amount of fraud.

    According to Ramsland, across the 3000 precincts in Michigan, the ratio of ballots to registered voters is between 99% all the way to 350%. These are statistically impossible numbers in a world without voter fraud.

    In his attempt at tracing back ‘vote dumps’, Ramsland looked at primarily four counties in Michigan, and found that it was impossible for the voting equipment there to input the number of ballots shown by the dumps. This suggests that the votes were added by a computer program rather than by a human’s data entry as would normally be the case.

    Earlier, in his interview with CD Media, Ramsland went through the findings of his 2-year investigation into the e-voting systems using logs from the 2018 Dallas election. Here are some stunning facts that Ramsland found, that he called ‘hard evidence’ of voter frauds.
    Private companies run elections since 2002

    On October 29, 2002, President Bush signed the “Help America Vote Act of 2002” (HAVA). This law:

    creates new federal agency to serve as a clearinghouse for election administration information;
    provides funds to states to improve election administration and replace outdated voting systems; and
    creates minimum standards for states to follow in several key areas of election administration.

    Ramsland said the so called minimum standards was never created. What this law did was providing funds to the states to outsource their election management to private companies like ES&S, Dominion, Tenex, Hart, SGO/SNS, and Demtech. In 2018, these companies controlled 92% of the market share of US elections.
    Votes can be switched easily, longstanding vulnerabilities were never fixed
    Screenshot from Ramsland’s PowerPoint presentation

    In his presentation, Ramsland presented a diagram that represents the electronic voting systems ran by private companies. The black arrows represents the vulnerabilities that he has found where a hacker is able to go in and change the votes.

    Ramsland had compared the vulnerabilities he found to those reported in earlier studies, such as those in:

    Everest Report (12/7/07)
    C-Span Panel: ICIT – Cybersecurity and US Voting Systems (2016)
    Matt Blaze Testimony before US House Comms on Admin (1/9/20)
    ES&S Security Test Report Electionware – 8/28/17 – Freeman, Craft, McGregor Group.

    He found that most of the same vulnerabilities are still in existence and is likely to have compromised the 2020 Election.

    One vulnerability was particularly troubling, involving ‘NGP Van’ which is a voter analytics company used by the Democrat party.
    Screenshot from Ramsland’s PowerPoint presentation

    This is a system of ‘Clarity elections’ which is owned by a now-notorious company called SCYTL, which had their server in Frankfurt recently seized by the US military, according to Texas Representative Louie Gohmert.

    The Clarity elections system was found to have a way for NGP Van to both obtain data from the Clarity elections’ database, as well as to push data back into the database.

    Why would the e-voting system need to allow NGP Van to push data into the Clarity elections’ database? This vulnerability appears to be a backdoor for NGP Van to change or create votes based on current vote tally, to ensure they (or the Democrat Party) get the election results that they wanted!
    The same vote switch that happened in 2018 also happened in the 2020

    Ramsland went through an example in the 2018 election, in Kentucky, where the Republican Party won all races on the ballot except the Governor’s race. This has uncanny similarity to the 2020 election where the Republican Party did well in both the House and Senate elections, but appeared to be losing in the presidential race.
    Screenshot from Ramsland’s PowerPoint presentation

    In this Kentucky race, the CNN live election report showed a live change which may be unnoticeable to most people, but is a hard evidence of a software vote switch.
    Screenshot from Ramsland’s PowerPoint presentation

    In this instance, 560 votes got switched from Matt Bevin (Republican candidate) to Andy Besher (Democrat candidate). The switch can be observed by comparing the live e-voting system feed at the top right-hand corner, to the lagged CNN analysis at the bottom of the screen.

    The same vote switching happened on November 3rd’s live CNN election reporting too, as documented in this video.
    Authorities looked away and refused to investigate

    When asked about what he had attempted to bring these issues to light, Ramsland said he had tried to contact the Cyber Intelligence Security Administration inside the DHS, the FBI (twice), field officer of the DHS, DOJ prosecutor, the Attorney General office in Texas, the top leadership in Texas including Governor Greg Abbott.

    None of these attempts resulted in a further investigation by these government authorities. Ramsland had gone in to FBI in July 2019 to try to get them to look at this, but it did not go far. He was not sure whether FBI was not interested or that they did not have qualified people to look into the issues.
    “The naked emperor is wearing new clothes”

    Towards the end of the interview, Ramsland compared the voting frauds to the story of ‘The Naked Emperor’ where it was obvious to everyone that the emperor had no clothes yet everyone said he had clothes on.

    The mainstream media is treating the blatant voter frauds the same way, by refusing the report them, ignoring or even lying about the existence of these frauds. The ordinary Americans saw what was going on.

    Watch the full CD Media interview here where Russell Ramsland spells out his evidence using layman’s language. I think it is very worth watching, be prepared to be shocked.

  2. И още инфо:
    САЩ ползват електронни системи за гласуване със социалистически произход

    Dominion looks like a reincarnation of a socialist-controlled voting system designed from day one to manipulate votes.
    Venezuela Origin: Smartmatic –> Sequoia –> Dominion




    The year 2000:

    Smartmatic was founded by three engineers from Venezuela and officially incorporated in Delaware in 2000 after the hanging chad controversy in the 2000 US presidential election.

    Smartmatic established its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida.

    (Please note that Venezuela is a close ally of the Chinese Communist Party. Both Venezuela and China are socialist countries. )

    The Year 2004:

    Smartmatic expanded rapidly between 2000 and 2004 with offices in Venezuela, London, Florida, and California.

    Litigations of its connections with the Chávez regime never ended.

    Smartmatic bought Bizta, in which both Smartmatic and the Venezuelan government had large stakes.

    “The Miami Herald revealing that the Venezuelan government owned 28 percent of Bizta – a company operated by two of the same people who own Smartmatic. Bizta bought back those shares after the article appeared, and Smartmatic now characterizes the deal as a loan.

    “Bizta and Smartmatic had partnered with Venezuelan telephone giant CANTV to win a $91 million contract to supply electronic voting machines for Venezuelan elections, including the controversial 2004 referendum Chavez won. Smartmatic categorically denies any link to the Chavez regime.”

    (Source: https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/ )

    “Smartmatic was a little-known firm with no experience in voting technology before it was chosen by the Venezuelan authorities to replace the country’s elections machinery ahead of a contentious referendum that confirmed Mr. Chavez as president in August 2004…“

    (Source: “U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties,” New York Times – Oct. 29, 2006 https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/)

    The Year 2005:

    Smartmatic purchased Sequoia Voting Systems, one of the leading US companies in automated voting products.

    The Year 2006:

    Sequoia provided technical assistance in the elections held in Chicago and Cook County by sending a number of Venezuelan nationals to support the machines manufactured by Sequoia.
    (Source: ABC Local, 7 April 2006, Alderman: Election Day troubles could be part of ‘international conspiracy’)

    “Meanwhile, a Carnegie Mellon University computer science professor recently concluded after two days of testing that vote totals on a Sequoia model, different from those used here, could be manipulated. That prompted Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County to scrap plans to buy the machines.”
    (Source: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2006-04-08-0604080149-story.html)

    “The federal government is investigating the takeover last year of a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems by a small software company that has been linked to the leftist Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chavez… “

    (source: https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/)

    Smartmatic Corp sold its U.S. subsidiary Sequoia to end a review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. into whether Smartmatic is partially owned by the Venezuelan government.
    (Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB116674617078557263)

    Bain Capital, which is connected to Mitt Romney, purchased Sequoia (Smartmatic-US).


    (Please note that Mitt Romney is in Biden’s “hard drives from hell” with ties to the Chinese Communist Party.)

    The Year 2011:

    Dominion Voting Systems, a previously little-known Canadian company engaged in manufacturing electronic voting hardware and optical scanners, acquired Sequoia Voting Systems

    The Year 2014:

    Sequoia filed a bankruptcy petition under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code.

    SGO (Lord Malloch-Brown) acquired Smartmatic(UK)

    “Smartmatic’s chairman is a member of the British House of Lords, Mark Malloch Brown, a former vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds, former vice-president at the World Bank, lead international partner at Sawyer Miller, a political consulting firm, and former vice-chair of the World Economic Forum who “remains deeply involved in international affairs.” The company’s reported globalist ties have caused members of the media and government officials to raise questions about its involvement in the U.S. electoral process.“

    Още инфо: https://gnews.org/556010/

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