
1 thought on “Манчестър Сити разплака Манчестър Юнайтед с унизителното 6:1

  1. Ето какво каза Сър Алекс Фъргюсън (Sir Alex Ferguson) след загубата:
    „It was our worst ever day“
    „It’s the worst result in my history, ever. Even as a player I don’t think I ever lost 6-1. That’s challenge for me too“.
    „I can’t believe the scoreline. The first goal was a blow for sure but it was retrievable at 1-0. The sending off was a killer for us. We kept attacking when we went 4-1 down and we should have just said: ‘We’ve had our day.'“
    „What did concern me was the goals for and against. Goal difference may count. Last year it was in our favour. Most years it is in our favour. This time maybe not.“
    „We’ll come back. By January we’ll be okay. We usually get the show on the road in the second half of the season and that will have to be the case. We’ve played all the teams around us and they have all to play each other so the second half of the season is important to us now.“
    „We will react, no question about that. It’s a perfect result for us to react to because there is a lot of embarrassment in the dressing room and that will make an impact.“

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