

  1. Tova e programata na filmite v dvete u4ilishta za sabota 11/14/2009.

    John Atanasov

    10 -10:30 A History of the Ancient Amphitheatre in Philippopolis (2008) 32min.

    Director: Jordan Detev

    Screenplay: Jordan Detev, Nikolay Sharankov

    Producer: Jordan Detev, BMAS

    A film about the Ancient Roman Amphitheater in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. An enchanting story about its functioning as an art house for theatre plays, musicals, and poetry readings; as well as an administrative center for the Roman province of Trakia. A unique 3D model of the original theatre is presented in the film as well.

    10:45 – 11:15 Plovdiv – a Journey through the Centuries (2008) 30 min

    Director: Vanya Tringova

    Screenplay: Vanya Tringova

    Director of Photography: Stanimir Navoushtanov

    Producer: “Jane” agency

    A film about Plovdiv, a city more than 8,000 years old with a remarkable and complex history of stormy events, glory and progress, as well as destruction and devastation. A city that bears with dignity its reputation for being the Bulgarian cultural center.

    11:30 – 12:00 Prespa – the tears of the Gods (2008) 32min.

    Director: R. Angelakova

    Screenplay: Valery Jacov, Krasimir Kushev

    Director of Photography: Lyuben Pankov

    Producer: BNC, RTVC Blagoevgrad

    A film about the unique story of Lake Prespa and the historical events around tzar Samuil’s soldiers who were blinded by the Byzantine emperor and sent home with one soldier with one eye for every 100 soldiers to be able to lead the way.

    12:15 – 12:50 Detev predstavyane na knigata

    1:15 – 1:45 Gods, around and beyond (1994) 28 min

    Director: Virginia Kostadinova

    Screenplay: Virginia Kostadinova

    Director of Photography: Ivan Varimezov

    Producer: Virginia Kostadinova

    A film about the Thracian rituals at the archeological reserve near the village of Svestari, Bulgaria. The cemetery is a monument on the list of UNESCO. The film received a special jury prize at the AGON film festival in Athens in 1996, and was part of the Science and Imagination Festival in Paris in 1997.

    2:00 – 2:50 The Ahridosseus’ Fortresses (2009) 54 min.

    Director: Zlatin Boyadjiev

    Screenplay: Zlatin Boyadjiev

    Director of Photography: Violin Paleykov

    Producer: BNT, RTVC Plovdiv

    A short series that looks at the origination, existence and disappearance of the fortresses in the eastern Rodopy mountains, built by the Byzantine Empire and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. Dozens of fortresses were built around the Arda river between 5th and 14th century AD. They were used to guard the roads leading to Constantinople, Adrianople (Odrin), and Philipople (Plovdiv). Consultants on the film include Nicolay Ovcharov, Ph.D.; Bonny Petrunova, Director of History at the National Archeological Institute, a division of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; and Daniela Kodzhamanova from the Regional History Museum in the town of Kardzhaly.

    3:00 – 4:00 No Way Back (2002) 50min.

    Director: Liudmil Kolev

    Screenplay: Atanas Panayotov,Bistra Varneva, Matey Todorov

    Director of Photography: Emil Zhupov

    Producer: Matey Todorov

    Production Company: RTVC Varna

    On December 12th, 1941 the ship “Struma” with 770 Jews on board sailed from Constance to Palestine in an attempt to flee from the Nazi threat. The ship’s engine stopped working near Istanbul where the ship got stuck for 2 months and was eventually sunk by a Soviet torpedo. The only survivor, David Stolyar, reveals the tragedy buried in the historical pages for more than 65 years.


    2:00 – 2:45 Detev- predstavyane na knigata

    3:00 – 3:30 The Patrons of Europe (2002) 28 min.

    Director: Penka Shopova

    Screenplay: Alexander Nedkov, Penka Shopova, Radoslav Spasov

    Director of Photography: Plamen Solovei, Marcos Azambudga

    Producer: Vladimir Kondov, RTVC Ruse

    The film follows the traces left by the two brothers Cyril and Methodius in various chapels in Venice, Rome, and Loreto. The two brothers were canonized as saints by Pope Lion XII in 1880. A hundred years later, Pope John Paul II proclaimed them for co-patrons of Europe and called them “the Spiritual Bridge between the Eastern and Western tradition.” Nowadays, the admiration for the two brothers is stronger than ever. They are known for their significant contribution to the religious and cultural development of Europe.

    3:45 – 4:20 The Bogomils and the Holy Grail (2008) 35min.

    Director: Valentin Gonevski

    Screenplay: Maxim Karadjov

    Director of Photography: Valentin Gonevski

    Producer: Panorama movie

    A film about the Bogomil movement in Sud, France, the town of Bugarash, the Holy Grail, and the Katars who were the French Bogomils.

    4:30 –5:00 Outlines of the First Bulgarian Parliament (2007) 27min.

    Director: Ivan Traykov

    Screenplay: Daniela Lazarova

    Director of Photography: Emil Penev

    Producer: Association “Theodosius of Tarnovo”

    A film about the debates and founding of the Great Bulgarian Constitutional Assembly.

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