
2 thoughts on “Telerik Academy named „Best Company of 2020“ by Forbes Business Awards

  1. Telerik Academy, part of Campus X, 31 Alexander Malinov Blvd. Sofia 1729, Bulgaria [email protected]

    Telerik Academy Alpha

    What is new and different about Telerik Academy Alpha?
    With Telerik Academy Alpha, we turn traditional education upside down. We are introducing a new training method to help you get ready for a career start in the software industry faster, better and more efficiently. By leveraging innovative teaching techniques and methodologies, we shorten the time to cover our standard program from 12 to 6 months. The new program brings a personal training approach to everyone. It aims to foster teamwork and most importantly, to help you gain invaluable practical experience. Our trainers will serve as your personal mentors and coaches, helping you build upon your strengths.

    Who can apply and how?
    You need to be 18 years of age or older and eager to kickstart your career in software development. Whether you have little or no programming knowledge, are a tech student or a graduate, a junior developer or an expert in another field, this program will equip you with the skills you need to succeed.

    The admission process includes the following steps:
    – CV and application form submission (mandatory)
    – Online mock exams (optional)
    – Webinar (optional)
    – Online cognitive assessment (mandatory)
    – Onsite entrance exam (mandatory)
    – Interview (upon request)

    How can I prepare for the entrance exam?
    Our entrance exam tests your programming skills (basic knowledge is required). Regardless of what program you’re applying to, you can take our entry exam using a language of your choice – C++; C#; Java 8, Java 9, Java 10; JavaScript; Kotlin; PHP 7+; Python 2, Python 3; Swift. If you are new to coding, you can prepare for the exam using our online resources. Materials include video lessons, presentations and assignments. More information is available on http://telerikacademy.com/alpha.

    I have little/no programming knowledge, does this mean my chances are smaller to get accepted into the program compared to people with programming education/experience?
    No, all applicants will be assessed based on their entrance exam results, their application and motivation to participate in the program overall.

    How much time do I need to prepare for the entrance exam if I don’t have any experience in programming?
    The time necessary for preparing for the entrance exams depends mainly on your learning pace. Up to two months of regular learning and exercising should be more than enough to master the material tested at the entrance exams.

    How can we take part in the practice exams?
    Practice exams will be held in our judge system, and you will be able to take them online. You can access the exams at any point in the timeframes listed in our timeline. Once you enter an exam, you will have 3 hours sharp to solve the problems and submit your solutions. Please have in mind that
    Telerik Academy, part of Campus X, 31 Alexander Malinov Blvd. Sofia 1729, Bulgaria [email protected]
    results from the practice exams are NOT part of the application process and you will NOT be able to apply for the program with your practice exam results. These are merely for you to test your skills and knowledge, and a good assessment of your preparation towards the actual exams.

    Is there a minimum passing score for the entrance exam?
    No, the passing score for the entrance exam will be based on the overall performance of all applicants.
    What will the cognitive assessment include?
    The cognitive assessment is a 12-minute timed assessment that measures general cognitive ability and the ability to learn, adapt, and grasp new concepts and handle complexity. The cognitive assessment does not measure IQ or previously acquired knowledge, skills or willingness to make an effort to learn new things but indicates how fast an individual can be expected to acquire new knowledge. The score is referenced against the general population norm.
    What is the candidate selection process?

    We use a holistic review process when evaluating applicants for admission. The final selection of candidates is not based on a simple formula of grades and tests scores. Instead, we consider a variety of factors: application documents, online cognitive assessment, entrance exam results, personal motivation for applying, etc. Some candidates might also be invited to attend interview to additionally discuss their career and development aspirations.

    If I am invited for an interview what will that include?
    Interviews will focus on candidates’ motivation and aspirations and will determine if the program is appropriate for each candidate based on their needs, expectations and personality.
    Can I choose between online and onsite training?
    Training will be only onsite. Attendance in person is key to our students’ successful graduation, which is why onsite participation is required. Participants must attend all classes, since they won’t be available online.

    Can I work while attending the program?
    Due to the format of the program, maintaining a full-time job while attending Telerik Academy will be very difficult to impossible.

    Do I have to sign a contract to join the program?
    Yes, all admitted students will sign two contracts as part of their participation in the program – one with Telerik Academy and one with a bank partner.

    What happens if I drop out of the program?
    In case of any unforeseen and unintended circumstances and within the first 8 weeks of your tuition, you can drop out of the program with no accrued costs.

    What happens if I don’t land a job upon graduation?
    100% of our alumni start working in the IT sector within 2-6 months of graduation. We are 100% confident in the value of the program and our alumni success. Therefore, if you don’t find a job in the IT industry within 6 months of graduation (you must prove attendance at minimum 5 job interviews), your tuition fee will be waived.

    Are we going to have homework assignments?
    Telerik Academy, part of Campus X, 31 Alexander Malinov Blvd. Sofia 1729, Bulgaria [email protected]
    The Telerik Academy Alpha program aims to constantly improve its format to the ultimate benefit of the students. You will not be expected to submit homework on a regular basis but based on your progress and the specifics of the topic you are covering, you might be given home assignment throughout the program.

    Are there computers in the lecture halls that we can use during exams or lectures?
    No, there are no computers in the lecture halls. All students need to bring their own devices while attending lectures and sitting exams.

    Do all students graduate?
    Students must successfully pass all requirements and assignments to graduate.

    Will I receive a certificate at the end of the program?
    Graduates will receive a certificate, which is widely recognized in the IT industry in Bulgaria.

    Will I land a career in the software industry upon graduation?
    All graduates will have access to the Telerik Academy partner network, which will help them jumpstart their career in a software company upon graduation. In addition, they are free to explore other opportunities within the IT industry, which is the leading industry in Bulgaria with a 14% annual growth, thousands of job opportunities and over 30% raise in wages in the past 4 years.

    What companies are in your partner network?
    Telerik Academy forges partnerships with some of the leading software companies in Bulgaria. We give our students access to positions and employers that we believe are a great match for them. More than 30 innovative companies such as Uber, Leanplum, Tick42, Endava, Accedia, Telelink and Progress are part of our partner network, which is constantly growing. More information about our partners, along with opportunities to get acquainted with the companies’ work, culture and job openings, will be available throughout the program.

    Can I apply for a job in a company outside your partner network?
    Yes, you can apply for open positions outside our network. However, you will still have access to our partner network, which will amplify your career opportunities upon graduation.

    How much does the training cost?
    At Telerik Academy Alpha, students are equipped with in-demand technical and soft skills to quickly jumpstart their careers in IT. We want to give more people access to our world-class trainings, seasoned trainers, career and personal development specialists, while keeping our groups small (up to 30-35 people) and providing personalized education, tailored to the individual students needs. Therefore, we are expanding our current model, where tuition is exclusively covered by our partners, to allow students to pay for their education and start a job in the wider IT industry, and with any company of their choice.

    The standard tuition fee is BGN 4,000 and you can start paying it back in monthly installments of ~BGN 200-400 for 12-24 months. We are giving you a grace period of 6 months after graduation, during which you can focus on finding a job and not worry about any tuition payments. By the 6th month we expect you will already be working in the IT sector, where starting junior developer salaries range between BGN 1,200-2,000. There are no additional education taxes or fees.
    Also, if you are employed by

  2. Вчера, 29.01.2020 г. Forbs обяви Telerik Academy за победител в състезанието за най-добра българска компания.

    Telerik Academy не е широко известно име у нас, но мнозина помнят най-успешната бизнес сделка след 10.11.1989 г. в България, възлизаща на над четвърт милиард долара за придобиване на българска компания. Тя е пряко свързана със създателите на Telerik Academy.

    От 2009 г. досега в Telerik Academy са подготвени над 1000 висококвалифицирани IT специалисти в областта на програмирането. Следва да се подчертае, че за обучение в Академията кандидатстват предварително подготвени IT специалисти. Почти всички участници в свръхинтензивните 6-месечни курсове са дипломирани висшисти, преимуществено инженери, но има и редки случаи на току-що завършили средното си образование младежи. Обикновено се приемат до 25 души от над 400 кандидати, а се дипломират малко над 15.

    Обучението е безкомпромисно, извършва се от най-висококвалифицираните специалисти в материята. То гарантира на завършилия приемане на работа във всяка българска или чужда компания, която държи да има в номенклатурата си най-добрите в софтуерната индустрия.

    Обучението в Telerik Academy не е безплатно. Равнява се на таксата за 16 семестъра в Софийския университет, т.е. за завършване на две висши образования. Но над 80 водещи български IT компании, сключили договор с Telerik Academy, с готовност изплащат тази сума, защото получават най-доброто от най-доброто. А дори абсолвентът на Академията да не постъпи в някоя от компаниите, намиращи се в договорни отношения с нея, със заплатата си само за месец-два той изплаща дълга си.

    Академията обаче, в съдействие с Посолството на САЩ, осигурява безплатни занимания с деца на ученическа възраст. Интересът е огромен, стотици преминават ежегодно през школата на Telerik Academy.

    Заради всичко това обявяването на Telerik Academy за “Best Company of 2020 in the Education Category“ не е случайно. И то при положение, че Академията не е получила от държавата статус на образователна институция! Този факт сам по себе си крещи за огромната изостаналост и върла некомпетентност на държавната бюрокрация. При положение, че най-представителната ни образователна институция – Софийският университет – е извън 1000-та най-добри университети в света…

    Последно. Защо „Telerik“?

    В знак на почит към Кан Телериг, спасил в далечните 717-718 гг. християнска Европа от ислямско робство; обявен за Свети Тривелий от католическата църква.

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